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Monday 26 July 2010

Ask Vickie - Why does my girlfriend always get mad at everything i do?

This is surprisingly a very easy question to answer.  She gets mad at everything you do because you don't know what makes her mad.  Women need to know that their men understand them, that you know what makes them tick.  To a woman that makes the two of you unique, a single unit that can take on the world.  You are thinking about why the things you do are unimportant, so you are thinking like a man.  She is not a man though, she is a woman and we don't look at things the same way that you do.  Next time you do something and it pisses her off, don't get defensive and start thinking about how much of a nagging bitch she is, instead step back and try to look at it from her point of view.  You are viewing your roles in the relationship as being the same but that is not the case, realising this is your first step to understanding your woman.  That doesn't mean buying her gifts every time you fuck up either, that is like trying to put a bandage on an amputated leg.  All that tells her is that you are trying to buy her forgiveness and she will just get even more pissed. 

I will concede that us ladies have very high expectations sometimes, so I am going to throw you a rope (don't hang yourself with it).  Whenever your girlfriend gets mad at you, start off straight away by saying, "OK, I fucked up, I *insert the thing that she is mad about here*, that was selfish of me...."  Guaranteed, the simple act of knowing what she was mad about will make her lose some of the fire in her belly.  She will still shout and rant for a while because you have just blindsided her by actually knowing what you done wrong, but if you continue by then explaining how it made her feel - instead of making excuses for why you done it - she will be quick to forgive you.  Then, that night when you are in bed, look into her eyes, tell her that you love her so much and that you're glad that you were able to work through your problems together.  Then lie back and look forward to the most intense, mind blowing sex you have ever had.

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